Advertising 2023

We Are Proud of our Numbers !

CoinWeek uses Cloudflare, a CDN (Content Delivery Network) and security platform to deliver all of our website content and CoinWeek Advertising. CloudFlare works with popular analytics programs, such as Google Analytics and augments our visitor and CoinWeek Advertising traffic stats with valuable targeted metrics unavailable anywhere else.

UNIQUE Visitors to CoinWeek over the past 30 Days
CoinWeek Advertising - Cloudflare

Social Media

CoinWeek Advertising and Social MediaCoinWeek is the leader in Social Media 

Most New Collectors are entering the hobby via Social Media, and CoinWeek Advertising reaches this Target Audience Better than ANY other website or ANY Print Publication. The numbers are not even close !

If you are looking for the Best Place to put your Advertising dollars, or if you are looking to set up a promotional partnership to reach the largest numismatic audience on the web,  CoinWeek Advertising is the clear choice.

Call us at 434-327-0550 and let us know what we can do for you.

Demographics & Target Audience

CoinWeek’s most recent numbers ….

Demographics and Stats as of January 20, 2022

Unique Visitors : 1.26 Million – per Cloudflare analytics
Pageviews per unique: 2.91 Million – Avg. 2.31 [Ex. robots]

Facebook Fans: 93,442

YouTube Subscribers: 42,600

Email Blasts
Opt-in eMail Subscribers: 45,052 [Cleaned December 29, 2021]

But there is more to the story…… Take a look at CoinWeek’s Age Distribution. This presents a good picture of who comes to and views CoinWeek Advertising and content.

OVERALL less than 12% of CoinWeek visitors are over 65 years old, and  71% are in the “Target Demographic” for New Collectors entering the hobby (age 35-55). This is also why CoinWeek Advertising Social Media numbers are so important.

That is hugely important to advertisers because it represents the vast majority of  active collectors, whose behavior, loyalty and collecting interests are more fluid.

CoinWeek is the Leader in Industry Awards !

CoinWeek has also won the Numismatic Literary Guild’s
“Best News Website & Best Social Media Platform” award
Five Times !!!

Call Editor Charles Morgan at 434-327-0550  to ask how CoinWeek can take your Numismatic Marketing to the Next Level and reach a broader audience…Today!

Charles Morgan
CoinWeek Advertising Sales & Marketing
Phone: 434-327-0550
E-mail: [email protected]