HomeAuctionsChampion Auction 2020 Macau Sale Live on November 29

Champion Auction 2020 Macau Sale Live on November 29

By Champion Auction  ……
Welcome to the 2020 Champion Macau Auction. This will be the first live numismatic floor auction in Hong Kong or Macau this year.

Champion features coins from the Chinese Family Collection and Howard Bowker East Asian Collection.

Champion started to sell coins from the fabulous Chinese Family Collection in December 2007, and now it is over 10 auction sales featuring coins from this family with many rare and interesting Chinese coins. The Heaton Hunan province pattern coins were first auctioned back in 1975 by Paramount, and the dollar purchased by the NC collection set the world record price for a Chinese coin and the first to surpass $10,000 at $15,500 USD. Champion was fortunate to purchase this coin from the NC collection many years later again at a record price.

Champion has handled three out of the six known examples of the Hunan 50 cents, first in 2008 with another example from the Chinese Family Collection PCGS SP63, another example from the NC Collection in a private treaty sale (NGC PR66), and this finest known example from the 1991 Irving Goodman auction PCGS SP66+. We expect extremely strong interest for this great rarity of Chinese numismatics and look forward to meeting the new owner.

In 2016 we held a Hong Kong auction featuring the coins from the Howard Bowker Collection, which attracted extremely strong interest, and many coins set record prices. This Howard Bowker Auction part II will also attract strong interest as the coins were preserved in coin envelopes, and many have fabulous original toning.

The feature coins are the finest known 1911 Long Whisker One Dollar pattern NGC MS64, an extremely rare variety of 1911 50 cents pattern NGC MS62, a superb 1838 Taiwan Old Man Dollar NGC AU55, and an original strike 1900 Peking 20 cents NGC SP60. Again, funds from the Bowker Collection will go to the Howard F. Bowker Numismatic Research Fund, which has funded many projects at the Smithsonian National Numismatic Collection for the past four years.

Also, coins from the fabulous NC Collection are included: the finest known 1853 Taiwan Lotus dollar NGC AU DETAILS, the finest known 1844 Fukien Ration dollar NGC AU DETAILS, and an extremely rare 1912 Sinkiang Unification Silver medal NGC AU55.

It has been an extremely wonderful experience working closely with the family members of the Chinese Family, the NC Collection, and Howard Bowker. It has helped me learn about the history of Chinese numismatics and truly appreciate their friendship and trust.

We hope there something of interest for everyone and look forward to seeing everyone again in Macau on November 29.

Michael Chou


View the 2020 Champion Macau Auction Catalog Here

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此次冠軍拍賣的現場拍賣將聚焦於華人家族收藏和霍華德·包克東亞錢幣收藏。冠軍拍賣自2007年12月開始拍賣華人家族收藏的精美錢幣藏品,迄今已經超過10場,期間拍出諸多珍稀精美的中國錢幣。本次拍賣中有一枚喜敦造幣廠製造的湖南省造三錢六分樣幣。此前有一枚樣幣於1975年的拍賣會上被派拉蒙公司拍下(Paramount),之後被NC收藏以打破中國錢幣拍賣紀錄的15 500元價格競得,這也是第一枚拍賣成交價超過1萬美元的中國錢幣,成交價為。多年前,冠軍拍賣有幸從NC收藏中買下這枚錢幣,並且再次打破價格紀錄。冠軍拍賣共經手過3枚湖南省造三錢六分銀幣(已知僅6枚),第一枚出自華人家族收藏,經評PCGS SP63,於2008年拍賣;第二枚出自NC收藏,經評NGC PR66,通過私人交易出售;而本次拍賣的這枚出自1991年古德曼舊藏拍賣,是已知品相最好的一枚,經評PCGS SP66+。我們期待各位藏家能夠對這枚中國錢幣大珍產生濃厚的興趣,也期待這枚錢幣能夠遇到自己的新主人。

2016年,冠軍拍賣舉辦了霍華德·包克舊藏香港拍賣,這場拍賣吸引了衆多的藏家,多枚錢幣打破拍賣成交價紀錄。本次將拍賣包克收藏的第二部分藏品,這些錢幣都長期保存在信封中,很多都呈現漂亮的原包漿,想必也會引起各位濃厚的興趣。其中的亮點錢幣包括已知最高分的1911年長須龍大清銀幣庫平七錢二分,經評NGC MS64;極為稀少的1911年立龍伍角樣幣,經評NGC MS62;精美的1838年臺灣老公銀餅,經評NGC AU55;1900年京局庚子貳角初鑄幣,經評NGC SP60。此外,本次包克收藏藏品拍賣的收入將捐贈至霍華德·包克錢幣研究基金,這一基金在過去四年中資助了很多史密森美國國家歷史博物館國家錢幣收藏的很多項目。

這次拍品中也不乏精美的NC收藏藏品,比如已知品相最好的1853年臺灣如意銀餅,經評NGC AU DETAILS;已知品相最好的1844年漳州軍餉,經評NGC AU DETAILS;還有一枚極為罕見的1912年新疆維持統一會銀質紀念章,經評NGC AU55。





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