From the CoinWeek IQ Encyclopedia:
50 Euro Cent (2002-Present)
The 50 euro cent coin is the largest of three “nordic gold” coins in the euro series (“nordic gold” is an alloy of 89% copper, 5% aluminum, 5% zinc and 1% tin, originally developed by the Swedish Mint for its 1991 10-kronor piece). The coin has a tightly crimped rim that makes it easily distinguishable from the other minor euro coins. It’s made of brass and tends to hold its brilliance a tad longer than the copper-plated steel 1, 2, and 5 euro cents once put into circulation. The 50 euro cent is valued at one half of a euro and is roughly the equivalent of the U.S. half dollar in terms of its spending power.
Coin Specifications:
Composition: brass | Weight: 7.8 grams | Size: 24.25 mm
National Side (Side Unique to the Issuing Country)
The gates to Belvedere Palace as seen from the front. The inscription EURO CENT wraps around the inner circle. Numeral “50”, centered left to right, slightly below center top to bottom. Beneath that is the Austrian flag. Beneath the flag is the date.
Central devices and inscription encircled by an inner border. Stars representing each of the original 12 member states of the Eurozone circle the perimeter of the coin and are bordered by a raised outer rim.
Common Side
Designer: Luc Luycx
Type 1: Six horizontal line segments containing stars at each end. Individualized representations of the 12 original Eurozone states are in the center and divide the stripes. A large numeral “50” and the inscription EURO CENT, all italicized, are to the right. The designer’s initials “LL” appear to the right of the Earth. Design encircled by a raised rim.
Type 2: Same as Type 1, except instead of the individualized representations of the 12 original Eurozone states, there is a full representation of Western Europe, centered and dividing the stripes.
Production Notes:
The Austrian Mint strikes the 50 euro cent in three unique finishes: a business strike intended for general circulation; a satin finish specimen strike produced for collector sets; and proofs, which are sold in annual proof sets.
CoinWeek Austria 50 Euro Cent Business Strike Price Guide
CoinWeek Austria 50 Euro Cent Satin Finish (Mint Set) Price Guide
CoinWeek Austria 50 Euro Cent Proof Coinage Price Guide
How much the value of 50 euro cent, 2002?