The first in a series of internet auctions entitled the Summer Sessions closed on June 28.
The offering of 100 collector-oriented coins were greeted by hundreds of interested bidders, vying for these coins since the moment they were posted for bidding online and showing strong activity across the board. The team at Legend Rare Coin Auctions (LCRA), Laura Sperber, Julie Abrams and Greg Cohen wish to thank all the bidders and consignors who participated and contributed to the success of this first Summer Session.
The sale realized in excess of US$200,000.
Laura Sperber said, “The bidding activity was strong from the moment the sale was posted online. Bidders showed that when nice, fresh coins are offered, they are there to buy. I also think the 10% buyers fee helped. We’ll make a few small improvements. Thank you to all the participants, both consignors and bidders.”
The second Summer Sessions sale will be posting for bidding on July 12, closing on July 19. The entire Summer Session 2 will be available for lot viewing at the July Whitman Baltimore convention. Consignments are still being accepted, but please keep in mind they will need to be in our offices no later than July 6.
The third and final Summer Session is open for consignments until August 1, and will post online August 8, closing on August 17.
For more information about consigning, please visit: our website, or contact Julie Abrams at (845) 430-4378 or Greg Cohen at (732) 935-1168.
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Legend Rare Coin Auctions (LRCA), based in Lincroft, NJ, is a boutique-style rare coin auction firm. The principles of Legend Rare Coin Auctions have made consigning a simpler process. Call or email Julie Abrams at (845) 430-4378 ([email protected]) or Greg Cohen at (732) 935-1168 ([email protected]).
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