HomeClubs & OrganizationsError Coins from the latest issue of ErrorScope, CONECA’S bimonthly journal

Error Coins from the latest issue of ErrorScope, CONECA’S bimonthly journal

The latest issue of ErrorScope, CONECA’S (The Combined Organizations of Numismatic Error Collectors of America) bimonthly journal is now at the printers.  The September / October issue should be available to members at or around the first of September from the CONECA ErrorScope Online Members Only Area (assessable from the banner at the top of the CONECA homepage) and a hard copy should be showing up in mail boxes to all current members at about the same time.

In this issue, Jason Cuvelier discusses a new find, a 1947 Lincoln cent error coin, found by Richard Miller and is now listed in CONECA’S files as the DDO-005.  The article also cites a second coin found by Richard Miller, an EDS (Early Die State) 1942-D Lincoln cent CONECA RPM-012.


James Motley, this year’s recipient of the Dr. Lyndon King Outstanding Member Award, gives a status report on the CONECA State Representatives Program.  Currently ten States have at least one Representative.

Jeff Ylitalo has an interesting error coin article about two doubled dies from Greece.  The first is a 1982 one drachma and the second is a 1976 two drachma.


(1982 Greek One Drachma)

CONECA 30th Anniversary Medal, struck on a 2013 American Silver Eagle order form will be included with this issue of the ErrorScope.


Aluminum wrong planchet error coins are discussed in an article by Jeff Ylitalo.  A British fifty pence and a five pence pieces are high lighted and followed by a 2005 Chile 100 pesos not only struck on an aluminum planchet but the obverse die was misaligned and the reverse die had a ninety degree rotation.


Anybody wanting to join CONECA should contact Rachel Irish at 101 West Prairie Center #323, Hayden, ID 83835 or email [email protected]  A copy of the application form may be download at http://conecaonline.org/content/join.html.  Annual dues are as follows:  Adult Member $25.00 per year, Young Numismatist (online ErrorScope only) $7.50 per year or (online ErrorScope plus mailed hard copy) $17.50.

CONECA members wishing to receive a login username and password to access the ErrorScope Online Members Only area, please email the Membership Coordinator, Rachel Irish at the address listed above.  A valid email address on file with CONECA is required for access to current and back issues of the ErrorScope online.   

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    Honorable SIR SEEWOOSAGUR RAMGOOLAM AND OVER HIM YOU HAVE HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN ELIZABETH I AND ON THE TAIL SIDE YOU HAVE Twenty rupee(20)and over it you have five pence (5).I wanted to know what the specific name and what’s the value of the coin

  2. I have an interesting error that I’d like to get a general idea of its value. I’ve been an avid collector for more than 35 years and a life member of the ANA and various other coin clubs. I know very little specifics regarding error coins but own quite a few. Recently, I took position of the most interesting and dramatic error I’ve ever seen. It is a 1995 P Lincoln cent struck over a struck 1995 P Roosevelt dime (on a dime planchet). I wanted to ensure it was authentic so I sent it to ANACS for grading and authentication. It was encapsulated and labeled as a “1995 One Cent on a 1995 P 10 Cent Planchet and graded MS66 BR”. ANACS left out the detail that it is “…struck on a struck 10 cent planchet”. I’ve seen and read about many wrong planchet errors but never one stuck on a coin that was previously stuck as a completely different denomination…I’m certain they exist. I can supply pictures if necessary.

    All inputs will be appreciated.

    Respectfully/Jack Bell

  3. Hello there, im a novice collector and i recently found an error on a coin and I could really use some info or help on where to get started. Im sure it’s a great find and hope i can share with the rest of our folk in this brotherhood of tokens. If anyone would take a moment and help i would appreciate it and thank you.
    David Orange Jr

  4. I have a 1988 Roosevelt dime that I was told by a coin dealer that it was a double die but there is no documentation about that particular coin. what can you tell me.

  5. I have a 1936 Jefferson nickel in 36 they made buffalo nickels not Jefferson nickels and I was wondering what I need to do to have it graded and preserved and if anyone could give me any information on it because through my research I haven’t seen another like it thank you for any help you could give me

    • The date may have been damaged or altered to make it appear to be a ’36. The design was not approved until later and not issued until 1938.

  6. I have a 1987-d Lincoln CENT GRADED MS65 RED..here’s the unusual part…Libety is spelled “liiiberty”…the Liib is much smaller then the “erty”…the three i’s are full i’s and can be seen perfectly when the coin is tilted left. It’s not at all like the cents “libierty”…the i’s are not touching each other…any idea what I have?????


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