So-Called Dollars by Jeff Shevlin – ……
A new standard reference book for So-Called Dollars, which are a type of historical U.S. medal, has just been released by authors Jeff Shevlin and William “Bill” Hyder. Titled So-Called Dollars Volume I: United States Expositions, it catalogs So-Called Dollars from almost 70 expositions that were held in the United States.
In his preface for the book, Red Book Senior Editor Kenneth Bressett states:
“Jeff, together with his long-term friend and writing partner Bill Hyder, have joined forces again to produce yet another fact-filled volume that will titillate and inform readers about the many medals and commemorative pieces related to the expositions.”
Every exposition held in the U.S.–from the 1853 New York Crystal Palace through the 1964 New York World’s Fair–is covered. The book includes detailed information never published before on So-Called Dollars. Volume I is the first of two volumes that will catalog the entire series of So-Called Dollars. Volume II is under development and is anticipated to be published in a few years.
Hardbound, 8 ½ x 11, 270-page, full-color editions are $59.95 USD. A signed and numbered collector’s leather-bound edition with a commemorative medal encased in the cover from the 1962 Seattle World’s Fair, limited to 100 copies, is also available for $149.95. Shipping is $4.50 per book.
To order, please visit the website The book is also available by contacting Jeff at [email protected].