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HomeMedals and TokensRare Golden Goose Casino Chip Sells for $75,000

Rare Golden Goose Casino Chip Sells for $75,000

At this year’s Casino Chip & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club (CC&GTCC) convention, the sale of two unique chips caused tremendous excitement when their stories were revealed.

goldengooseAn extraordinarily rare $5 Golden Goose Casino Chip sold for a whopping $75,000! The Golden Goose was located at 20 E. Fremont Street (currently the site of Glitter Gulch) and was open from 1975 to 1980, as a slots-only casino with the exception of a single blackjack table. The table was only open for a few months between late 1976 and early 1977. When it went away, so did all the chips, making this $5 chip the only one known to exist. This same chip went for over $3,000 at auction in the mid-1990s.

The sale of an equally rare $5 chip from The Lucky Casino went for $52,500. The Lucky Casino was at 117 E. Fremont Street and was open from 1963 to 1967. While other chips from the Lucky Casino are seen on occasion, it’s this $5 chip that remains in very high demand, with only two chips known to have survived.

The buyers of both chips wish to stay anonymous, however, CC&GTCC President Doug Smith commented: “It’s nice to see that even in a slowing economy, sales of the super rare chips are still going strong. Those chips were more than likely the only ones known and are sure to be highlights of anyone’s collection.”

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