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HomeUS CoinsType B Proof Reverse Washington Quarters, 1956-64: An Unprecedented Variety,...

Type B Proof Reverse Washington Quarters, 1956-64: An Unprecedented Variety, Part 1

Proof Reverse Washington Quarters

Type B Proof Reverse Washington Quarters


By Dr. Richard S. ……

Beginning in 1956 and continuing through 1964, the Philadelphia Mint produced a remarkable nine-coin series of major Washington Quarter varieties – the Proof Reverse Washington Quarters. They were unlike anything earlier coined in the history of the United States Mint.

I stumbled upon my first example at a coin show in the late 1990s. I was amazed with the coin’s appearance. Its obverse was similar to all other Washington Quarters, but when I turned the coin over, I was presented with a reverse that appeared to have been struck with a Proof die. It even had slightly mirrored fields. I’m not sure if my mouth dropped, but I was startled that the Mint could have produced such an impressive coin.

It apparently struck other coin enthusiasts in a like fashion, because I’ve heard similar statements from a number of others.

Surprisingly, then as now, only a limited number of rare coin experts and collectors even know they exist.

It was quite some time later when I began to question whether these remarkable coins were actually coined in error or with the approval of the Mint. Even today, it remains an enigma to those who know of their existence. Controversy among numismatic experts continues to surround how and why the quarters were actually made.

The first mention of these striking coins that I can trace is in A Guide Book of United States Coins (the “Red Book“) in the mid-1970s. They attest to their significance by continuing to comment on them each year, but have yet to list their values.

From their initial discovery they were referred to as Type B Reverse or Variety II Reverse coins (the usual Washington Quarter reverse was called Type A or Variety I). These possessed the original legend, eagle, and other elements that were the hallmark of the Washington Quarter series since its 1932 debut. It was first postulated, and later generally but blindly accepted, that they were produced from dies made from Proof hubs. The few that knew referred to them as errors, mistakes, accidents, or even mules. It didn’t cross the mind of even the most astute numismatist, expert, or collector that they were possibly made with intent. No one considered the possibility that they actually were coined from Proof dies. ANACS was the first grading service to attribute them. They stated on their holders: “Proof Reverse Hub Design”.

It is my intent to present sufficient new information to finally dispel the notion that they were made in error, or by a die from a Proof hub.

appel_1965_type_b_wash_25c_obvAfter exhaustive research and consideration, I believe there are only three possible minting processes that could have produced these exceptional coins.

First, a Mint employee mistakenly took a Proof hub to make working dies to coin circulation strikes in each of these nine years. This is the theory that has been passed along in the numismatic community since they were discovered.

Next, rather than destroying faulty Proof dies, they were used in the business strike process.

Third, actual Proof dies that were earlier used to mint Proof coins were utilized for their creation. This is what I and an increasing number of numismatic experts now believe. And this makes all the difference!

In the first two scenarios, it is plausible that in 1956 a mistake was made in the production of a limited number of business strike coins. However, the likelihood that the same error could occur in nine consecutive years, and solely at the Philadelphia Mint, is extremely low. This is why I believe the coins were made with intent.

One of my specialties for at least the last few decades has been the Washington Quarter series. Business strike examples of these quarters rarely appear with even a hint of Proof or mirror-like surfaces. I have seen a few Proof-like San Francisco Mint coins from the 1940s and early ’50s–and some 1964 Philadelphia examples–but less than a handful in total.

However, it isn’t unusual for coins possessing the Proof Reverse of 1956-1964 to display a Proof-like surface. In fact, I have seen a number of examples that displayed a nearly fully-mirrored, Proof appearance. This indicates that in addition to the Proof artwork, the dies initially had some remaining Proof surface attributes when they coined their first Proof Reverse specimens.

The more I pondered the origin of the Proof Reverse Washington Quarters, the more convinced I became that the earlier beliefs regarding their minting were dead wrong. Further, because of the general misconceptions surrounding their existence, their importance to the numismatic community has been enormously understated. If I’m correct, then all of these questions will be resolved in time, and the quarters’ great merit and standing among other important rare coin varieties will be recognized by all numismatists.

The U.S. Mint began operations in 1792. Their mission was to produce coinage for our nation’s citizens and business enterprises. These are generally referred to as business strike or regular issue coins.

In the early years, some coins were occasionally produced from specially made dies. They were meticulously minted with the intent to be given as gifts to dignitaries or other persons of note. These coins normally had mirror-like surfaces and displayed higher relief and greater detail than their business struck counterparts.

Later, as the coinage process continued to improve, so did the quality of these special coins, as well as their frequency and mintage totals.

Many things can go wrong during the minting process. Throughout the Mint’s tenure, mistakes or errors have occurred. These were the result of using the wrong planchets, improperly striking coins, the slip of a sculptor or engraver’s hand, or a myriad of other reasons. Modifications, alterations, or refinements to hubs or dies also occurred.

Emissions generated in any of these fashions are normally referred to as mint errors or varieties. Some of these differences are subtle while many are quite impressive, but all are different from the intended, original designs.

Proof Reverse Washington Quarters were not made in error but out of necessity. First, to correct a miscalculation, and later for expediency and cost-saving reasons. Furthermore, they were coined with the intent of placing them into circulation along with the other business strike Washington Quarters of their respective years.

They were a calculated, conscious decision by Mint officials!

For these reasons I believe they fall into the category of regular business strike coins. I am convinced the idea was conceived out of fear. It was this fear that led Mint officials to pair the historic Washington obverse with a Proof reverse die rather than a customary one.

Events Leading up to the Origin of Proof Reverse Washington Quarters

1955 witnessed the final year of production at the San Francisco Mint. It had been in continuous operation since 1854. Mint officials apparently believed the remaining two mints in Philadelphia and Denver were sufficient to handle the coinage needs of our nation. They appeared confident because production figures from that year were substantially lower than earlier. In fact, the San Francisco Mint only produced cents and dimes while the Denver Mint suspended its half dollar coin in 1955.


The new San Francisco Mint building, built in 1937

Unfortunately, their prescience was both wrong and short-lived. The very next year witnessed the public’s demand for coinage substantially increase. By the end of 1956, the combined production from the Denver and Philadelphia facilities saw nearly four times the number of Washington Quarters produced than in the prior year.

As 1956 progressed, the pressure on the Mint to coin a sufficient number of quarters to meet the unexpected demand must have been immense. Because they misjudged the public’s demand, I believe they underestimated the number of Washington Quarter reverse dies they would need for their 1956 production run. In their haste to correct the error, the Proof Reverse Washington Quarter was born.

I believe as 1956 wore on and the country’s demand for quarters soared, the Mint’s officers began to panic. They were running out of business strike reverse dies and didn’t have sufficient time to produce new ones. I suspect that in the 11th hour, sometime in December, someone at the Philadelphia Mint came up with a solution. Why not substitute earlier used but worn Proof reverse dies to make up the deficit? The employee not only avoided a possible disaster and saved the day, but he was serendipitously responsible for the creation of the first of this unique nine-coin series.

The quarter dollar is the workhorse of our coinage, so it is needed in large quantities. The lower or reverse die acts as an anvil. It receives the brunt of stress created during the coining process. When the upper die is driven with extreme pressure onto the top of the planchet, the enormous force is transferred to the lower one. This causes reverse dies to wear out faster than obverse ones, and why they are required in larger quantities.

The various Proof Reverse Washington Quarters are either very scarce or rare and are virtually unattainable in high grade. It is generally believed that most if not all were produced in the last month if not the last days of their respective years. They were manufactured exclusively at the Philadelphia Mint. Proof dies were readily available at that location because this was the facility that coined Proof coinage during that era.

Proof dies had a brief lifespan. They are normally retired after they generated a few thousand coins.

Prior to use, Proof die surfaces are highly polished; this imparts the desired mirror surface to the coins they produce. Unfortunately, they strike each coin twice, which causes the mirrored surfaces to quickly deteriorate. They require frequent re-polishing before being replaced. The polishing revitalizes their mirrored surfaces, but simultaneously reduces the strength of the artwork. When the design details have sufficiently degraded, the die is retired and eventually destroyed. This is long before it shows any sign of structural deterioration.

The first year (1956) is by far the rarest of the nine-coin series. It is generally believed that production of Washington Quarters would be forced to cease in December due to a lack of reverse dies unless an alternative plan was developed. The decision to use retired Proof Reverse dies must have been given at that time. They simply picked up a used Proof die and paired it with a regular business strike obverse die.

The result? The numismatic community was blessed with a new, striking and unique class of Washington Quarters.

Dies are costly and time-consuming to make. This new ability became an asset to the Mint. They no longer had to precisely determine the number of reverse Washington Quarter dies they would need for a given year, and they would save money, to boot. The following eight years witnessed a duplication of 1956. I believe when the Mint ran out of reverse dies they just reused worn-out Proof ones. To the benefit of the coin collecting public, the Mint’s error created an exciting nine-coin series of rarities to reflect upon, discuss, and enjoy.

* * *

In Part II, I discuss reasons why I believe Proof Reverse Washington Quarters are so limited in availability. I will also present my reasoning why the U.S. Mint’s subsequent actions negatively influenced the perceptions of the numismatic community regarding these exceptional mint products.

* * *

Dr. Richard S. Appel
Dr. Richard S. Appel
Dr. Richard S. Appel has been a numismatic expert for 50 years. He offers his personal services as a rare coin broker or rare coin consultant to both beginner and experienced consumers alike.

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  1. Dr Appel, thanks for the informative article. I would like to perhaps add another wrinkle to these unique quarters. I have the 1961, 62 and 64 Proof Washington Quarters (Proof finish on both sides) that have the Type B reverse. I also have the (In the same years) Proof Washington Quarters (Proof on both sides as well) that have the Type A reverse. My questions for clarification are: 1. Am I understanding this correctly, that you are describing the Quarters (in your article) 1956-64 that have a Business strike Obverse and a Proof strike Type B reverse? 2. If so, what is the relative rarity of my Proof on both sides Washington Quarters with the Type B reverse?
    Finally, I am hoping what I have is another twist on these already unique Quarters. Thank you, Eric

    • Hello Eric. My name is Eric also just spelt with a K. I just found my first 1958 type B reverse proof Washington quarter. Hey saw that you had a response left on this article so I figured I’d give you a shout and see if you have discovered any more reverse proof variety Washington quarters. Now that I have found one and know of their existence and how to arbitrate them I am going to hunt Until I have a full years series. Good luck to you out there finding them.

  2. I too have found one of these beautiful Quarters & even though I still have a lot to learn & adsorb Before I feel I can call myself a true Numismatists (if ever) But I did noticed this quarter about a year ago & subsequently put it away to be examined at an other time.
    That was until A friend sent me your article and I am still somewhat dumbfounded!!! as I was reading your article I felt “Very Proud” That I even noticed this rare Quarter even though I believe it was just a total fluke that I had the ability to do so. Especially as I that an amateur, & it’s only been 6 years since I started collecting Error/Rare Coins.
    Dr Thank You for such an awesome, & totally Inspiring Article.

  3. I was recently at a carwash( self-wash) and all I had was a 5 dollar bill but the machine only took quarters so there was a change machine that would change 1s and 5 dollar bills into quarters and although I had reservations about getting 5 dollars worth of quarters I went ahead and changed the 5… as the quarters fell into the tray, one particular quarter stood out… although I am simply a novice at best when it comes to hunting, it didn’t take a keen eye to observe this beautiful coin…. I knew quarters made before 1964 were silver and simply assumed that was what I had and that was why it was so beautiful…. sorry, I got ahead of myself… It was a 1961 quarter and boy was I thrilled to have spent that 5 now… like i said, my thoughts were that it was silver and that would attest to its amazing condition… until I came across your article and wondered whether my quarter was one that you were speaking of… a couple things have me scratching my head though, you said they were exclusive to the Philadelphia mint and my quarter is a 1961 Denver that has an almost ” mirrored” finish but I dont think it’s a proof because, correct me if I’m wrong, were they not made exclusively at the San Francisco mint? Please let me know if you can about this marvelous specimen if you can… thank you so much for your article and for your time…


  5. this article is awesome and really made a lot of sense. I saw a video on about a variety that has to do with
    where the tips of the arrows connect to the leaf


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