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HomeUS CoinsBessie Coleman Quarter Rolls and Bags on Sale Feb. 14

Bessie Coleman Quarter Rolls and Bags on Sale Feb. 14

2023 Bessie Coleman quarter reverse with $25 Mint Sewn Bag and $10 Mint Roll. Image: United States Mint.
2023 Bessie Coleman quarter reverse with $25 Mint Sewn Bag and $10 Mint Roll. Image: United States Mint.

The United States Mint 2023 American Women Quarter dollar honoring Bessie Coleman – Rolls and Bags, will be available for purchase on February 14 at noon EST. The Bessie Coleman quarter is the sixth coin in the American Women Quarters Program, a four-year series that celebrates the accomplishments and contributions made by women who have shaped history.

The rolls and bags product options include:

  • Priced at $40.00, a bag of 100 uncirculated clad quarter dollars minted in Philadelphia (product code 23WBA).
  • Priced at $40.00, a bag of 100 uncirculated clad quarter dollars minted in Denver (product code 23WBB)
  • Priced at $36.00, a two-roll set containing a total of 80 uncirculated clad quarter dollars minted in Philadelphia and Denver (product code 23WRA).
  • Priced at $54.00, a three-roll set containing a total of 120 uncirculated clad quarter dollars minted in Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco (product code 23WRB).

Orders for the 100-coin bags are limited to 10 per household, while orders for the two-roll and three-roll sets are limited to three per household. Because of overwhelming demand, much of the production of the three-roll sets is accounted for through subscription. Should any inventory become available, those products will be made available via the “Remind Me” feature. Sign up to receive “Remind Me” alerts by visiting the official product listing page.

The American Women Quarters Rolls and Bags are also available for purchase through the Mint’s Subscription Program. Subscriptions work like a magazine subscription. After you sign up, you will receive the next product released in the series and continue to receive products until you end your subscription. Visit our subscriptions page to learn more.

The reverse of this coin features a close-up image of Bessie Coleman as she suits up in preparation for flight, her expression reflective of her determination to take to the skies, the only place she experienced a freedom she did not have on the ground. The inscriptions are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” “E PLURIBUS UNUM,” “QUARTER DOLLAR,” “BESSIE COLEMAN,” and “6.15.1921,” the date Coleman received her pilot’s license.

United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Designer Chris Costello created the reverse design, which United States Mint Medallic Artist Eric David Custer sculpted.

Each coin in this series features a common obverse design depicting a portrait of George Washington. This design was originally composed and sculpted by Laura Gardin Fraser as a candidate entry for the 1932 quarter, which honored the bicentennial of George Washington’s birth. The inscriptions are “LIBERTY,” “IN GOD WE TRUST,” and “2023.”

Begun in 2022, and continuing through 2025, the Mint is issuing five new quarter-dollar reverse designs each year. The American Women Quarters Program is authorized by the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-330).

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United States Mint
United States Mint
Since Congress created the United States Mint on April 2, 1792, the primary mission of the Mint is to produce an adequate volume of circulating coinage for the nation. As a self-funded agency, the United States Mint turns revenues beyond its operating expenses over to the General Fund of the Treasury. Other responsibilities include: Maintaining physical custody and protection of the Nation's $100 billion of U.S. gold and silver assets; Manufacturing and selling platinum, gold, and silver bullion coins; and Overseeing production facilities in Denver, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and West Point, as well as the U.S. Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

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