Heritage Auctions June

HomeDealers and CompaniesNGC Signer John Mercanti Wins Rittenhouse Award - Video

NGC Signer John Mercanti Wins Rittenhouse Award – Video

By Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) ……
Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) congratulates John M. Mercanti, 12th chief engraver of the US Mint, for receiving the 2017 David Rittenhouse Award. The prestigious award is named after the first director of the US Mint, and was recently presented by Historic Rittenhouse Town, a national historic landmark district in Philadelphia.

Mercanti, who served as the Mint’s chief engraver from 2006 to 2010, has designed more than 100 US coins and medals, including the reverse of the popular American Silver Eagle and the American Platinum Eagle obverse, as well as eight commemorative coins.

Mercanti has been an anchor of NGC’s Signature Labels program ever since signing an exclusive agreement with NGC in 2015. To view some of his signature labels, click here.

A video to celebrate the honor for Mercanti was recently created by ModernCoinMart.

Numismatic Guaranty Company
Numismatic Guaranty Companyhttps://www.ngccoin.com/
NGC was founded in 1987 and has become one of the largest third-party grading services. Their parent company is the Certified Collectibles Group (CCG).

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