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HomeClubs & OrganizationsNumismatic Quiz Now Part of Greater Houston Coin Club Monthly Meetings

Numismatic Quiz Now Part of Greater Houston Coin Club Monthly Meetings


In an effort to encourage attendance and provide members with an added entertaining and educational aspect to the monthly agenda, the Greater Houston Coin Club has incorporated a Numismatic Quiz into each monthly meeting.

This idea was the brainchild of GHCC vice-president Bill Watson.  Each month one of the officers or directors is responsible to draw up a numismatic quiz consisting of four questions and a tie-breaker.  Also, the member provides numismatic items to be used as prizes.  The GHCC sponsors the items and presents them to the winner of each quiz.

The quiz is strictly voluntary, and a member can only win once in a calendar year.  If a tie remains after the four questions and the tie-breaker, a computer generated random drawing is used to determine the winner.

The first quiz was held at the March 2016 meeting, and the many members who participated enjoyed themselves, learned a little, and one earned a great prize.

Five members answered all four questions correctly, but only two, Rick Ewing and Larry Reitsema, also had the tie-breaker correct.  Thus, the computer generated random drawing was used to determine our first winner.

Luck was with Rick Ewing who was the eventual winner of our first Numismatic Quiz.

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