By Bank of Russia ……
On January 23, 2018, the Bank of Russia issued a commemorative silver coin worth 25 rubles entitled the “Creativity of Vladimir Vysotsky”. The coin consists of 155.5 grams of 92.5% pure silver, with a diameter of 60.0 mm (catalog No. 5115-0141).
From the front and back sides of the coin around the circumference there is a protruding edge.
On the obverse the coin there is a relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as the inscriptions: “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”; “BANK OF RUSSIA”; the face value of “25 РУБЛЕЙ”; the date “2018”; the metal designation according to the Periodic System of Elements of Mendeleyev; the alloy trial; the trademark of the Moscow Mint; and the mass of precious metal in its purity.
On the reverse side of the coin there are relief images of V.S. Vysotsky with a guitar. To the left of it are a sword and a picture of horses made using laser matting. At the top is the inscriptions (along the circumference) of “VLADIMIR VYSOTSKY”; below, on the right are the dates in two lines: “1938” and “1980”.
The lateral surface of the coin is corrugated.
The coin is made in a Proof finish, with a mintage of 1,500 pieces.
The issued coin is a legal means of cash payment in the territory of the Russian Federation and is obligatory for acceptance at face value in all types of payments without any restrictions.