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The Grandeur That Was Rome – The Secular Games of the Circus Maximus

The Grandeur That Was Rome - The Secular Games of the Circus Maximus

By Russell A. Augustin, AU Capital Management, LLC ……

The Secular Games at the Circus Maximus were some of the largest and most memorable celebrations in antiquity. They were held on two different cycles, first on the “saeculum”, thought to be the longest possible length of a human life (between 100 and 110 years) and on the centennial anniversaries of the founding of Rome.

Because of frequent conflict, the games were not always held consistently but did occur throughout the history of the empire, with some evidence pointing to the first games taking place in 509 BCE. More regular games took place during the Roman Republic in 249 BCE and the 140s BCE. Augustus held games in 17 BCE, and later emperors followed in 88 and 204 CE, approximately 110 years between games on the “saeculum” cycle. Claudius also held celebrations in 47 CE to commemorate the 800th anniversary of Rome’s foundation, leading to subsequent games in 148 by Antoninus Pius and 248 by Philip I “the Arab”.

Septimius Severus saw many parallels in his conquests to those of Augustus two hundred years earlier, so he continued the tradition of the Secular Games. These games were lavish and significant, with animal hunts as well as chariot races in the Circus Maximus.

Historian Dio Cassius wrote:

“The whole construction in the amphitheater was made in the form of a ship, and was so conceived that 400 beasts might be received into it, and at the same time be sent forth from it. Then, when it suddenly collapsed there issued out of it bears, lionesses, panthers, lions, ostriches, wild asses and bison, so that seven hundred beasts, both wild and domesticated, were seen running about at the same time and were slaughtered.” (LXXVII, 4-5).

The inscription on this coin refers to Septimius Severus inaugurating a new golden age, a happy time: “Laetitia Temporum”. This coin appears to depict two different events, the chariot races in the Circus represented by the quadrigae, or four-horse chariots, above the ship, and the large animal hunt that took place on the seventh and final day of the games, mirroring the precise description written by Dio Cassius with each animal type visible on the commemorative coins.

The games of Septimius Severus were, unfortunately, the last on the “saeculum” cycle as 110 years later, Constantine I was emperor and the games were put to an end.

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Septimius Severus. (193-211 CE). Silver denarius (3.42 gm). Rome, 206 CE. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, head laureate right / LAETITIA TEMPORVM, the spina of the Circus Maximus decorated as a ship facing left, with the turning posts at its prow and stern, a sail mounted on the central obelisk, and the spina’s other monuments visible in between; above the ship, four quadrigas racing left; below, seven animals: an ostrich at left and bear at right; between them a lion and a lioness chasing a wild ass and a panther attacking a bison. BMCRE 343. RIC 274 (R2). Cohen 253 (60 Fr.).]

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Russell A. Augustin
Russell A. Augustinhttps://www.aucm.com
Russell Augustin entered the numismatic profession in 1982. He specializes in U.S. gold, Pioneer and Fractional gold coinage, Early Type and Early Dollars and ancient Roman and Greek coinage. Russell attended both Ohio Wesleyan and Harvard Universities. Thereafter, he served as Vice President and Director of Numismatics at two national coin companies. He founded NumisTech Consulting, and has been an appraiser for the federal government, price consultant for a rare coin fund, and advisor to a major New England advertising agency. In 2005, Russ established AU Capital Management (AUCM), LLC, where he is currently owner and president. In 2016, AUCM became an affiliate of the numismatic powerhouse, RARCOA, and relocated its fulfillment center to Illinois.

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